Friday, May 22, 2009

GoeddeConcerto Interview at

Nice little interview with me about the GoeddeConcerto CD+Booklet. Thanks to Amelia G and Forrest Black at

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Support the arts (and me!).
Order your signed copy of the GoeddeConcerto HERE

Thursday, May 14, 2009

GoeddeConcerto CD+Booklet | Now Available


I've been working on this project for almost a year now, and I'm very excited to announce the release of GoeddeConcerto, a CD+booklet of music and photography.

"Robert Waechter, concertmaster of the Philharmonic Orchestra/Opera de Nice, France, and Steve Diet Goedde, internationally renowned erotic photographer, have released an audio/visual collaboration entitled GoeddeConcerto (ReadyMade Music). The CD features 21 mini-concertos inspired by 21 photographs by Steve Diet Goedde. Robert Waechter personally picked the photographs which inspired him and then composed and conducted each individual piece for the CD. The CD contains a 24-page booklet of the photographs to accompany the music."

More information and images available at Signed copies are now available for purchase and shipment.

The CD will be available through and within the next few weeks.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Belle, Portland OR 1998 - Out-take

Belle, Portland OR 1998
An out-take from my Belle shoot in 1998. I was recently going through the negatives from this shoot and found some nice, neglected images.

Back in the ye olde days of the last century, I printed all my images in the darkroom. Usually I had limited time, patience, and money to only print my favorite few shots from each session. As a result, many images never saw the light of day. But now thanks to digital scanning, I can go back and retrieve many well-deserving images.