Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Belle, Portland OR 1998 - Out-take

Belle, Portland OR 1998
An out-take from my Belle shoot in 1998. I was recently going through the negatives from this shoot and found some nice, neglected images.

Back in the ye olde days of the last century, I printed all my images in the darkroom. Usually I had limited time, patience, and money to only print my favorite few shots from each session. As a result, many images never saw the light of day. But now thanks to digital scanning, I can go back and retrieve many well-deserving images.


  1. Love your work. If you don't mind me asking, what are you using to scan your negs with?


  2. I'm using a Nikon Super Coolscan 9000 ED. Great machine, but expensive. I need it though for my 120mm negs.
